Monday, May 24, 2010

most memorable quotes from my (ex)boss(es)

J : Lo jadi orang jangan greedy...

AW : Bisnis itu nggak punya nurani

I : If you have knowledge, you will have confidence

SP : I represent Mr. President Director *huahahahaha*

Sunday, May 02, 2010

just a *ngga penting* note

Tadi pagi gue main ke bonbin ragunan, bareng si kecil & misua ofkoz…

We saw lotsa things, tapi yang bikin berkesan sekaligus horror adalah pas kita ke kandang ular, pas banget lagi jam makan (jam makan si uler, bukan kita :p)
Dua ekor ayam (hidup) dimasukin ke kandang ular boa yang diameter badannya sama dgn paha orang dewasa, walau sama ulernya dicuekin, naluri ke-ayam-an mereka mengatakan ada predator yg siap menyergap setiap saat. We can see the chiken’s body shaking…*lebay*

And oh, just in case you have uler sanca sawah for pet; here’s how to give him/her medication (kapsul, pill, etc) in case he/she looks feeling unwell (based on real-live observation):
1. Usually you feed uler sanca with white mice (alive & healthy ones) rite? Then prepare one white mouse, and prepare the pills also.
2. Make the mouse unconscious alias pingsan…terserah elu deh gimana caranya
3. Pil-pil tadi masi ada kan? Cekokin ke tikus yang pingsan tadi. How? Just open its mouth and push the pill to its throat. Ha? Yes, just as simple as that
4. Last but not least, umpankan tikus tadi ke si uler…usahakan masih dalam keadaan pingsan (nagh, the last one just I made up)