Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Condensed parody of The Two Towers

For those of you who love Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers the movie, check out Molly's TTT parody...



ARAGORN finds himself in RIVENDELL with ARWEN lying on top of him.

ARAGORN: Hmm. This must be a dream.

ARWEN: Why do you say that?

ARAGORN: Because you're not even supposed to be IN this book.

ARWEN: Don't be mean. I'll tell Daddy.

ARAGORN: Whatever. Wake me up, would you? Since it's not really you licking my face, I have the awful suspicion it's a horse. Or maybe Gimli.


ROTFLMHO (Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Head Off )



And for those of you who loves TTT and excited for The Matrix Reloaded click here


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